
Drilling Waste Cuttings Dryer Advantage

Brightway Cutting Dryer System is working efficiently in Drilling Site. It is producted by Brightway independently. This system includs Drying Shaker, Cuttings Dryer and other Mud Tank.This system can save about 300 m3 water. Recycling the drilling mud not only save the fees for shipping waster, but also save the fees for processing waste water and usage of mud materials. The whole process of drilling waster is not founded mud on the ground.

Brightway Cuttings Dryer System
Brightway Cuttings Dryer System
It can overwhelmingly recycle the drilling waste;the system can control the index of drilling mud performance by fully purifying the drilling waste, which helps to avoid drill-jamming accident and improve the quality of pole-forming. The processed drilling waste can be recycled, mud making materials saved and costs decreased.
Formerly,The giant mud pit was widely used for collecting drilling mud and rock waste with taking more risk and occupying land source. But,after applying the Cutting Dryer System, there is no need for mud pit which the mud tank holds drilling mud, drilling fluid and rock waste to recycle.
Rock waste from drilling well will be dried up and divided directly by Cutting Dryer System. The processed rock waste is easy to collected and transferred, and it can also be turned into bricks which will be sold to brick industry or for other purpose.
The Cutting Dryer System and brick making equipment with high-degree automation just cover a small area. It is operated only by four to five people, and the speed of making bricks can correspond with the processing speed of Drilling Waste Treatment.
Applied at oil drilling site, the system effectively eliminates the toxic materials in drilling waste and its processing result gets to the required standard. Solids processed by Cutting Dryer System only contains 6% water.

Know more: www.brightwaysolids.com

